"All Rise! In the case of Shughart Middle School versus Amanda Martin, court is now in session."
On January 30th, 2025, the students and staff of Shughart Middle School got a chance to participate and witness a mock trial. This is the first time this has been done at the school in its history. The mock trial gave students an opportunity to see how a real life court case is conducted minus being inside of the courtroom. Put together by our information specialist, Mrs. Allison, along with the help and support of some of our wonderful social studies teachers, and some of the soldiers from the 525th Expeditionary Military Intelligence Brigade, the mock trial was a success.
The purpose of this mock trial was to teach the students about how the judicial system works and how it mirrors the the three main branches of the government itself. A group of students were selected to serve as the jury in the fake case that involved a substitute teacher inappropriately giving a ride and kidnapping a student, allegedly. Soldiers of the 525th Expeditionary Military Brigade, some of which who are real life paralegals, military police officers, and work with JAG served as the judge, counselors, witnesses, and bailiff. Mrs. Allison served as the main witness, and Mrs. Amanda Martin, a substitute here at SMS, was the defendant. Each side was able to cross-examine the witnesses with their own questions. The judge was able to control the courtroom. The jury was quiet as they were presented with all of the evidence, and the entire student body and faculty were the audience in the gallery.Â
After all witnesses including the defendant were cross-examined, the prosecutor and the defense counselor were able to deliver compelling closing arguments. The jury was then allowed ten minutes to deliberate and come to a decision about the fate of Mrs. Martin. During the deliberation, the judge opened up the floor for discussion with the students explaining to them about some of the processes of the courtroom. After the time allowed, the jury returned. The foreman of the jury read back the verdict. Guilty on both charges that were against Mrs. Martin. This decision left the courtroom stunned. The judge then explained to the student body that typically in a real-life case, there would be a sentencing which is a punishment that is given to the defendant for their crimes. The mock trial ended with a question and answer session, with students asking questions about the case.Â